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On this page you will find different Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes cards in Japanese. Those cards are playable with the Dragon Ball Heroes arcade game edited by Bandai Namco. Among the following list, just click on the card reference to access the detailed page of that card.

icon db heroes common icon db heroes rare icon db heroes super rare icon db heroes special edition icon db heroes promo
icon db heroes common icon db heroes rare icon db heroes super rare icon db heroes special edition icon db heroes promo

Part 1 - UM1

ImageCard nameReferenceRarity
majin buu Majin Buu UM1-07 icon dbh common
son goku enfant Son Goku (Kid) UM1-10 icon dbh rare
son gohan ado Son Gohan UM1-18 icon dbh rare
master roshi Master Roshi UM1-23 icon dbh common
android 17 son goku freezer Android 17 UM1-24 icon dbh super rare
ribrianne Ribrianne UM1-27 icon dbh rare
catopesra Catopesra UM1-28 icon dbh rare
kale Kale UM1-36 icon dbh rare
bergamo Bergamo UM1-37 icon dbh rare
obni Obni UM1-38 icon dbh rare
dyspo Dyspo UM1-40 icon dbh rare
son gohan gt Son Gohan (GT) UM1-42 icon dbh common
vegeta gt Vegeta (GT) UM1-44 icon dbh rare
trunks gt Trunks (GT) UM1-45 icon dbh common
vegeta chronoa xenoverse Xeno Vegeta & Chronoa UM1-50 icon dbh rare

Part 4 - UM4

ImageCard nameReferenceRarity
xeno vegeta Xeno Vegeta UM4-30 icon dbh super rare
vegeta Vegeta UM4-45 icon dbh super rare

Part 6 - UM6

ImageNom de la carteRéférenceRareté
caulifla Caulifla UM6-044 icon dbh super rare

Promo Cards

ImageCard nameReferenceRarity
mira Mira UM1-CP8 icon dbh promo

Promo Cards

ImageCard nameReferenceRarity
yamcha Yamcha HJ1-CP4 icon dbh promo

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